Pushing Back on Industry Pro Plastic Lobby and Ensuring that Canada keeps its Promises

Environmental Defence Canada (EDC) is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization working with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.

In June 2019, Prime Minister Trudeau announced plans to ban a number of harmful single-use plastics as early as 2021 and to work with provinces and territories to establish consistent Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs.

With Plastic Solutions Fund support, EDC will organize nationwide support to demand the Canadian government not delay or backtrack on its commitment to regulate plastics.

Key areas of focus are:

  • Finalizing the addition of plastics to the Toxic Substance List, under Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act;
  • Banning at a minimum the six items proposed in the draft management plan by the end of 2021, and adding additional plastic items to the ban list in future years;
  • Working with provinces and territories to make the companies that produce plastic products and packaging financially and operationally responsible for plastic waste, and ensuring harmonization from coast-to-coast-to-coast;
  • Establishing and enforcing high reduction, reuse, recycling, and recycled content targets to support Canada’s transition to a circular economy.


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