Unwrapped: The Health Risks of Plastics & Food Packaging Chemicals

Upstream, Food Packaging Forum, GAIA, and Zero Waste Europe aim to harness the power of scientific evidence, communications, and advocacy regarding the adverse human health impacts of food packaging—including plastics and chemicals in food packaging—to significantly reduce disposable food packaging.

The premise of this project is that consumers are more likely to forgo the convenience of single-use packaging and change consumption patterns when they understand that the package or the plastic can harm them.

In turn, consumers will exert pressure on food delivery systems to make disposable packaging less-toxic and reduce disposable food-ware by minimizing packaging (i.e. unpackaging goods) and delivering food and beverages in safer reusable and refillable containers.

Additionally, this will allow the global plastics movement to more effectively pressure policy makers and corporate decision makers around the world to shift away from disposable plastics and food packaging.

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