Unifying, Integrating and Synchronizing BFFP US Policy Efforts

To maximize the opportunity for impact, with Plastic Solutions Fund support, a U.S. Policy Officer is now working with the Break Free From Plastic U.S. Coordination Team to provide direct support for core members, coalitions, and stakeholders to ensure policy approaches are unified, integrated where possible and synchronized.

Through strong coordination, facilitation, monitoring and providing resources to members involved in policy work, the U.S. Policy Officer enhances the sophistication and opportunities to create systems change in the plastic production and consumption systems.

As a result, BFFP U.S. has enabled stronger, clearer alignment and shared positions, including environmental justice priorities among its members, allowing them to self-organize and deepen collective trust while informing policy initiatives at the local, state, federal and global levels.

The project is led by BFFP US Coordination Team (fiscal sponsor is GAIA)

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