PR3: Partnership to Reuse, Refill, Replace Single Use Packaging

RESOLVE forges sustainable solutions to critical social, health, and environmental challenges by creating innovative partnerships where they are least likely and most needed.

RESOLVE’s PR3 project, with a founding 2019 investment from the Plastic Solutions Fund, has created the first global standards to facilitate the scaling of reusable packaging systems. PR3 solicited input from large and small businesses, environmental, labor and equity organizations, cities, and individual pioneers of the reuse movement. These standards are now being introduced for formal accreditation through the American National Standards Institute, the first step towards formalizing them through the International Organization of Standards.

PR3 is now activating standardized reuse systems in Seattle and Jakarta, and partnering with diverse civil society and business groups to create standardized city-level reuse systems in 10 other cities in the U.S. and Europe.

PR3 seeks to scale and empower the growing reuse industry and de-risk the transition to a systemic solution that is commensurate with the gravity of both the plastic and climate crises.

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