Plastic: The Token for Success of the E.U. Circular Economy

The Circular Economy Package published in December of 2015 is one of the EU’s flagship policy initiatives.

The Package aims to reduce the environmental impact of waste and resource use, but at present the European Commission’s policy proposals for plastic are still designed for a linear and wasteful economy where planned obsolescence is the norm.  This project supports a coalition of Brussels-based NGOS which is working to change the narrative on single-use plastics in Europe, setting the scene for an enhanced policy framework which will dramatically reduce plastics pollution in Europe and can then be used as inspiration for good practices and legislation in the rest of the world.

Zero Waste Europe, the project’s lead partner and coordinator, is a pan-European organization specializing in waste and sustainability issues; the other partners are Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), European Environmental Bureau (EEB),  Environmental Citizens Organization for Standardization (ECOS),  Friends of the Earth Europe, Seas at Risk (SAR), and Surfrider Foundation Europe(SFE). With the support of Plastic Solutions Fund, the coalition is working to influence concrete legislation with the goal of pushing through more ambitious proposals that will lead to a radical reduction in plastic pollution.

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