Empowering the Global Movement to Tackle the Toxic Liabilities in the Life Cycle of Plastics

International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) is a global network —comprised of over 600 public interest NGOs in more than 124 countries — forging a healthier world where people and the environment are no longer harmed by the production, use, and disposal of toxic chemicals.

This project, with Plastic Solutions Fund support, will work to ensure that the toxic nature of plastic itself, as well as the consequent implications for recycling and disposal, become a much larger part of the mainstream policy narrative around plastic and are used to inform important policy choices around plastic and plastic pollution.

IPEN’s, and their partners’, growing body of research reveals that every stage of the life-cycle of plastic involves toxic chemicals, which threaten human health, the environment, biodiversity, and the climate.

This work will be carried out by IPEN, in collaboration with The Endocrine Society, International Pellet Watch, and members/affiliates of the Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) movement.


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