Building State Champions for Action on Plastic Pollution

The mission of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators is to empower environmentally progressive state lawmakers.

At a time when progress on US legislation is almost impossible at the national level, there are still real opportunities at the state level, and the Trump Administration’s federal rollbacks in environmental protection have created new urgency and momentum among state legislators. With the help of Plastics Solutions Fund, NCEL has launched this project in collaboration with The Ocean Foundation to guide energized, motivated state legislators and governors towards concrete and successful policies that will prevent plastics pollution.

This is a three-year project, designed to build and adapt over the course of the 2019-2021 legislative sessions. NCEL will engage in a robust policy mapping assessment, act as a bridge between advocates and key policy makers across the country, help inform the advocacy community about best practices for communicating with lawmakers, and provide lawmakers with the individual assistance needed to draft, introduce and advance successful legislation curbing single-use plastic in their states. The long-term goal of this project is a dramatic reduction of plastic waste through the successful advancement of such legislation in at least five states.

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